Sunday, July 8, 2007

Bucket Hunt

Team PEN15

Board Game Communication Method: Computer Item: Bucket

Game Overview:
Essentially the aim of Bucket Hunt is just that: hunt for a bucket. A bucket will be hidden somewhere around the RMIT University city campus. The players play a board game on a computer (made in Macromedia Flash) to get clues and hopefully figure out the location of the bucket.

The aim of the game is to test players in their problem solving skills as well as their teamwork and co-ordination skills.

Number of Players:
The game is played by 3 teams of 5-7 people working on separate computers, with separate flash board games.

Physical Location:
The game is played within the RMIT University city campus but it can be adaptable to any other location if the game master changes the clues.

Special Paraphernalia:
Teams will need access to computers that will have the Flash games working on them. Headphones are also supplied for each team to use to listen to the clues.


  • The goals of the game are:
  • Teams choosing someone as their Listener (if they want)
  • Teams would be working out the clues.
  • Piecing all the clues together
  • Working out the location of the bucket.
How Players Achieve the Goals:
  • Players will achieve the goals by hitting the [ROLL DICE] button in the Flash game.
  • This would then activate an audio clip depending on which square the player lands on.
  • One member of the team listens to the audio clip and conveys it to the rest of the team.
  • Once the player icon has landed on a square the team has 7.5 minutes to work out the clue and hunt for the bucket.
  • The more clues you work out the more likely the team will find the location of the bucket.
  • If the team does not return within the 7.5 minute time limit, they incur a 1 minute penalty until they can roll again.
  • If the team has no idea about the location of the bucket, or returns within the 7.5 minutes, they must still wait until the 7.5 minute finding period is up.
  • If they hit the [BACK] button before the 7.5 minutes is up they can avoid the 1 minute penalty.
  • If the player hits [BACK] button they will start from square 1 again and work their way around the board once again, hopefully landing on different clues to increase their chances of finding the bucket.
  • These steps are repeated until one of the teams is able to piece enough clues together to find the bucket.
  • There are 3 teams
  • Each team has 5-7 players - Each team sits at a separate computer
  • Each computer has the Flash Board Game running on it
  • All team members must (re)enter the room before the dice can be rolled
  • The players cannot look for the bucket until they land on the bucket square
  • The Flash game is programmed to land on the bucket square once every round, e.g. If the player is on square 18 and then rolls a 4, they will still be moved to the bucket square rather than square 2.

I tag you tag me: a folksonomy of Internet Art

I tag you tag me: a folksonomy of Internet Art ( is an ongoing colaboratively curated show/social experiment on folksonomy creation created bt Luis Silva.

Social bookmarking allows for users to easily store lists of resources (websites, for instance) and have them available to the public, allowing people with the same interests (or not) to share and have easy acess to relevant information on a specific subject. But the most important feature of social bookmarking lies in the categorization of these resources by the users themselves. Tagging is the word that comes to mind. Tagging consists basicly in the possibility these social bookmarking services have of allowing the users not only to bookmark something, but to informally assign tags (relevant keywords) to it, thus creating meta-data about the tagged resources in a collective way, rather than individually, something that can be seen as a second layer of meaning, but determined by the users rather than the original producer of the content. This is what is called folksonomy, a user-generated taxonomy used to retrieve and categorize web content.

The departure idea for this project is thinking of tagging as curating. If tagging creates meta-data about pre-existing content, it can be seen as the creation of a discourse about it. And if that content happens to be an online artwork, tagging both allows for a subjective juxtaposition of art works and the elaboration of a critical discourse about it. Curating then. But this isn’t new. This is regular curating done in a schematic way, using a different tool to get the job done. But since tagging is a social activity in its essence, giving birth to folksonomies, it allows for social curating, with social selection of works and social production of discourse about them. This is what this project intends to be. Rather than traditionally curating a show through tagging the projects with the name of the show, we will be asking people to tag some of their favourite Internet art pieces with a few defined tags and some that they can choose freely. The idea is that this device will then create a folksonomic net art exhibition done collectively by a group of people. It can be seen as a social experiment, aiming at finding out what will that second layer of meaning be like, or if it will work at all. A challenge then. I tag you tag me, or a random folksonomy of Internet art. Let the tagging begin.

Luis Silva would like to ask you to add content to the show. We're using a account, so log on to . the username is I_tag_you_tag_me and the password is ole166. And then tag as many net art pieces as you like, assigning them with tags you find useful or relevant in any way. I have already tagged a few works. You can use the same tagging system I did, or instead, you can use something different, meaningful to you. The choice is really up to you. You can add content or organize it as you consider best.
If a work you want to tag is already tagged, assign it with other tags so it reflects what you wanted in the first place.

Hope you have fun helping to create this ever evolving, ever changing, unfinished, unfinishable project.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

$5000 MONA Horse Bazaar Prize

MONA ( is offering world’s richest prize for the production of panoramic content

The Mona Horse Bazaar Prize for panoramic content is an open digital art prize for the production of screen-based content that best uses Horse Bazaar’s unique panoramic projection system. The screens are custom-built for the environment and extend for nearly 20 metres around the bar. Casting aside the traditional 4:3 screen format, visual artists are asked to produce digital content at an 8:1 ratio. The Mona Horse Bazaar Prize aims to cultivate the appreciation and production of panoramic virtual décor. This is an acquisitional competition; winning pieces will become a part of the MONA art collection.

Entries Close Friday 13th July 2007

For more information visit
Or contact

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Location-based Games Assignment

This was a team-based assignment which required Media Cultures II students to devise a game taking into account 3 parameters -- inclusion of an object, game genre and communications technology. These were assigned randomly based on lists generated in class.

The following posts are the documents that each team produced for their games. Some teams also produced websites, wikipedia entries and/or flickr sites of their games.

All games were tested by other teams who individually provided written assessments. These can be found in the 'comments' section of each post. Most games had 'games-masters' who oversaw the testing and wrote assessments of their team's game too. These are usually included as the first responses.

Super Paper Tennis

Team :: Smarties

The challenge:
To create a game with the elements ‘Chair’, ‘Paper’ and ‘Tennis’ combined with a location based activity.

The solution:
A team oriented game that should take no less than 15minutes to play, perfect for a short break and stretch out. It’s divided into two segments and it’s geared for ‘office dwellers’ and ‘lab rats’ and other workers sitting at a desk.

Segment 1:
is a fast one minute round of ‘Paper Tennis’ as two teams compete. The court is divided by a double row of office chairs, the idea that this game can be brought up at any boring computer lab to lighten the mood and hopefully cure stiff backs. With one team on each side they each have fifty paper balls starting off.

The objective:
To get as many paper balls as possible on the opponent’s side when the 1 minute game ends, a game master will deal with the timing. The team with the least balls on their respective ground at the end of the match wins.

Segment 2:
After a fast paced and shirt warming segment 1 the second segment calms the pace down so the lab workers may stretch out by doing a location based activity. The winning
team picks a random ball; on each ball a number is written. The loosing team now has to push the winning team on office chairs forming a snake to the end of the outer hallway, take the elevator down to the level which share the same number as the ball. Then they push them back the hallway stretch and take an elevator back to their original floor (or something corresponding to your workspace). The idea here is that each time someone plays this game, the random ball picking and corresponding floor will be different in most matches so after a short and funny workout, the workers go on a small trip exploring a different floor of their ever changing working environment with the losers pushing the winners around on office chairs.

How to set up the game at RMIT computer labs:
Special paraphernalia:
100 sheets of recycled paper from the VISY Box in computer lab 37.
One timer or stop watch.
A roll of coloured tape.
A few Lab Chairs.
Roll the sheets into tight balls. Mark them with a number between 5 and 10.
Number of players:
Equal numbers on each side. Over ten players total will be pushing it.
Physical location:
Hallway outside computer labs. Some throwing length is needed.
Make two rows with the chairs basically closing the two teams from each other. The seats should be facing the players. Tape the ground between the two rows of chairs with coloured tape to further distinguish the borders. Place half the balls on each side. The Games Master should try to stand out of the way, if one team has one less team member the GS should step in and assist during the game to equal the numbers out. There is only one round and it lasts one minute.

After both game segments are done (see top) there’s a small RMIT twist to this game that the winners receive a prize when they are safely back at the computer labs. Everyone including the losers receive a piece of candy to regain their strength.

Did you know that:
Tennis can be traced as far back as the ancient Greek game of sphairistike (Greek: Σφαιριστική), and is mentioned in literature as far back as the middle ages in The Second Shepherds’ Play, in which shepherds gave three gifts, including a tennis ball, to the newborn Christ. Sir Gawain, a knight of King Arthur’s round table, plays tennis with a group of giants in The Turke and Gowin. Another mention came in the late 16th century, when William Shakespeare mentions “tennis balles” in his play Henry V, when a basket of them is given to King Henry as a mockery of his youth and playfulTennis

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Cats, Trams and Mice

Team: Bangers

How to play:

  • The basic starting point of the game is to nominate a player within the game to become the “Cat”. The other players are the “Mice”.
  • Once selected these players, an area must be chosen to be the playing area, so for example, one or two city blocks with a restriction of how far the limits are.
  • Once selected, the mice get a five-minute head start running away from the cat.
  • After 5 minutes the cat can move.
  • Another main rule is you must only run along or within a few meters of tramlines, within the area boundaries.
  • Players can then be ‘cornered’ into a line where they can be tagged
  • Once the boundaries of the game have been agreed on, the players who are mice must escape the cat. Once the cat has found a mouse, the cat must tag them by drawing on them with a pen.
  • Once a mouse is tagged, that player becomes a cat also.
  • The winner is the last standing mouse.
  • A time limit of 30 mins playing time applies too, and if no mice are tagged, then the mice win.
  • An important element of the game is figuring out who the cats are, unless the mice can see a mark drawn on the so called ‘cats’ they don’t know.
  • Mice can also go inside trams (mouse hole) for a maximum of one stop, to give an advantage to the mice.
  • Another suggestion is to have the other players mobile numbers so they can be contacted when the game is over or to say where they will meet after the game.
  • A pencil and paper may be needed to record wins and losses.
  • An optional rule to even out gameplay difficulty would be to create a ‘cheese area’; which the mice must reach before being tagged as a cat. Eg. The cat chooses an area or object which is known as the cheese, which the mice must get to, and clearly mark and notify where this ‘cheese’ is.


Team: Sparta

Game overview

Guidon: a small flag or streamer carried as a guide, for marking or signaling, or for identification.

Guidon is a location-based game of capture-the-flag. A number of teams (Microsoft, Sony,
Nintendo) compete to collect 'money' placed by a Game Master (the Market) and bring it back to their base. The team with the largest fortune wins.

Aims of the game

  • Collect money
  • Bring it back to your base
  • Stop other teams from taking your market share
Number of players
The game can be played by any number of teams.
We have developed it for 3 teams - Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo

Physical location
  • Buildings 10 – 12 – 14 Levels: 9 – 11
  • Only Stairs and Corridors. NO ROOMS AND ELEVATORS.
  • Jail is in front of the elevators on Level 10 Bldg 12
  • Microsoft: Level 11 Bldg 12. In front of elevators.
  • Sony: Level 9 Bldg 12. In front of elevators.
  • Nintendo: Level 10 Bldg 10. In front of elevators.
Special paraphernalia
Silly string: Used as a weapon. If you are tagged by silly string, you are sent to jail. The Game
Master carries a can of silly string as well.

Goals of the game
  • Collect as much money as you can.
  • How players will achieve these goals
  • Players search the play area for notes hidden by the Game Master (the Market). They will be placed
  • and taken back at random intervals so there is only a limited amount of time to collect it within.
  • You can also steal any money from someone you have tagged.
After Notes are Found
  • One person can only carry one note at a time
  • If a person carrying a note is tagged, he drops the note and goes to jail
  • Notes hidden at bases can be found and stolen by other teams
Game Master Rules
  • The Game Master places currency and sends out clues randomly
  • GM can use the elevators and will be carrying a can of silly string
  • GM can tag you but you can't tag the GM
Locations and Hints
1. 11, 14
Casual or Seasonal Gamer?
2. 11, 12
Man on Fire
3. 11, 10
Fresh from the Deli (multiple uses possible)
4. 9, 10
Exit (multiple uses possible)
5. 11, 10
6. 10, 10
Department Heads
7. 9, 12
G70 -
8. 10, 12
Love, R James
9. 9, 10
Programming Techniques help!
10.9, 14
Need a drink, think of Global Warming

Master and Slaves

Team: Nodoze

Game Overview:
One Master, Two groups of Slaves.
In this game the Master is in control and to win the Slaves must do exactly what the Master commands and report back quickly and correctly.

The game is conducted with a minimum of five players.
The players are separated into two groups of Slaves. (See Player numbers for more details)

The game begins with the Master leaving to a secret location and the Slaves remaining at the start location waiting for the Master’s instructions. After arriving to the secret location, the Master then chooses the task for his/her Slaves to complete from a list in the Master document.

The Slaves then must follow the Master’s tasks and clues from the audio/visual device to find several locations within the game. The completion of each location point will involved the finding of a parchment and a bonus task which the slaves may choose to complete for extra points. The bonus tasks are far from pleasant and will ridicule the Slaves.

The group of Slaves that complete most of the location and find the Master back at the secrete location, with the correct items located on the way and the most tallied points will win and gain the reward of serving the Master till the end of time.

The group of Slaves that complete most of the location and find the Master back at the secrete location, with the correct items located on the way and the most tallied points will win and gain the reward of serving the Master till the end of time.

Aims of the Game:
The aim of the game is simply to please the Master.
To please the Master the Slaves must follow directed instructions from the Master. Using the audio/visual device, the two teams of Slaves guess various locations that the Master sends them. Once all Masters’ instructions have been completed they must find the Master and display evident that the Master’s instructions have been completed.

Player Numbers:

The game is conducted with a minimum of five players.
The players are separated into two groups of Slaves.

Game Rules:
1. To complete the game Slaves must complete all of the Master’s tasks and return to the Master providing evidence of location/task completion.

2. Slave teams begin with a total of five points:
- Two Points for Slave team providing evidence of each location completion to the Master.
- The Master will judge the degree of effort of bonus task completed by Slave teams in order to give bonus task points.
- One point will be deducted and onward for request of one clue (SMS) from the Master.
- Three points will be deducted if Slave teams are unable to find a location within the marked time frame set by the Master. A new location will be given afterwards.

3. Only the team with the most tallied points will win the game.

4. If any of the audio/visual devices are misused, mistreated, damaged or lost by the Slaves, the Slave responsible must repay the full cost of the device to the Master. The Slave will also incur a punishment set by the Master.

The Plushy Master Supreme Challenge

Team: Ponies

The PMS Challenge (PMSC) is a Treasure hunt game takeing place in a defined location range of the real world using clues supplied to competitors via mobile phone Short Message System (SMS). Two or more teams of Competitors will race to collect Plushys or stuffed toys from seeded locations within a known arena of play.

: Participants in PMSC are divided into equally numbered cooperative teams. Teams must work cohesively to win the game and ‘should’ never be out of sight of one another.

Plushy Master: The Plushy Master (PM) is an independent arbitrator and judge, not a competitor. The PM acts independently to the competitor teams to set up the game and facilitate play of PMSC. Additionally the PM may choose assistants or ‘deputies’ to aid them in the game Plushy Deputies are useful for the play of large games.

A prime number of Plushies: Plushies are easily obtainable from your local Opportunity shop for a pittance. I collected 12 plushies of varying sizes from my local op shop for only 6 dollars or so. Plushies are collected by competitors during the course of the event. Plushies are sequentially ‘adopted’ by team members and must be carried by that team member for the game, Plushies must be shared equally by all team members and not hogged by individuals. At the end of the game the team with the most number of Plushies wins the game.

Mobile phones: Each team of competitors and the Plushy master must be in possession of a (1) Mobile phone Capable of both sending and receiving ‘Short Message Service’. SMS clues to the location of Plushies will be sent to Each team.

The Log: The Plushy master will require a ‘log’ a list upon which to track the events of the game and record locations of the Plushys. The log is produced by the PM and must be kept confidentially to the players. The PM is also advised to keep colored pencils or markers one color for each team to help keep track of the game.

The Arena: PMSC must be played within a known location with clearly defined boundaries. The Range of the arena should be carefully chosen by the Plushy Master to accommodate the limited time of the games play and the capability of the competitive teams. By varying the range of the game its difficulty can be easily varied.
Games may last for minutes or weeks but the longer the period the harder the game will be to set up.

The PM first chooses a range and defines its boundaries. These boundaries must be easily communicable to the competitive teams. Imprecise definitions of the game area can lead to confusion in a treasure hunt. Game setup begins with the Plushy master marking his Plushies. Each plushy should be marked with a unique alpha numeric code (A24F). A printable sheet of Tags is provided with this document but the PM may mark the plushies in any way that seems fitting. The plushy master then distributes the Plushys throughout the range and records the Plushys location and code together in his/her log book with a Black pen or pencil.

#1, Tiger, A24F, Amongst Fruit bowl in ‘The Poser’ Coffee shop.

#2, Bear, 234G, On top of Post box in front of Mayberry Bakery.

Plushies should be seeded in Prime number groups larger than 2 such as 3, 5, 7,11,13,17,19,23,29 ect. As prime numbers have no natural divisors two teams can never tie for first place. Some effort should be taken preferably to secure the location of the Plushies. Hiding the Plushies from public view or requesting cooperation from local businesses or services are examples. PM’s should mark their plushies with a tag that describes that the plushy is being used in a treasure hunt and may be left in place. To reduce confusion the PM may wish to add their Phone number to the Plushys tag. Some people can become suspicious of an innocent plushy toy left lying around and PM’s should do all in their power not to upset or frighten members of the public.

Sequence of play

The PM should assign the teams colors corresponding to marker pens he will use in his log book. This helps to avoid confusion and aid the PM in producing a more challenging and hopefully more Fun game.
At the commencement of the Challenge the teams are informed of the range of the game. Any confusion or debate over included or excluded regions may be resolved here. Instructions such as ‘you will not have to cross any streets to play this game’ are easily interpreted compared to coordinates or map directions. Clear instructions are important for players to visualize the field of the game. Players are informed of the number of Plushies in the field and given a brief idea of how long it should take them to retrieve each plushy. The PM may be enigmatic or cooperative to set the mood at this stage. The PM should take this opportunity with a new PMSC crew to remind them that this is a live game and should they get stuck the PM is only an SMS away. Players are also informed of the expected time of expiration of the game.
Each team is given the PM’s Phone number and the location/clue to their first plushy and teams race off to find their Plushys.
The PM circles the two starting clues numbers with corresponding team colors and records the times of the clues sent. This important in determining a winner in a closely tied game.

#1, Tiger, A24F, Amongst Fruit bowl in ‘The Poser’ Coffee shop. 9:30

#2, Bear, 234G, On top of Post box in front of Mayberry Bakery. 9:31

When a team finds a Plushy the team SMS their team name and the Plushys marked code to the PM.

‘Red A24F’

Upon Receiving this code the PM checks the code in the log. If valid he crosses out the Plushys entry marking it as being collected, it is advised the PM uses a colored marker to do this corresponding to the team color collected.

#1, Tiger, A24F, Amongst Fruit bowl in ‘The Poser’ Coffee shop.

#2, Bear, 234G, On top of Post box in front of Mayberry Bakery.

The PM scans the list for another appropriate uncollected or sent Plushy and sends its location/clue back to the team via SMS. The responding location/clue may be varied in difficulty depending on the time available to play the game and the difficulty involved.

Bear will post you a slice of Mayberry Bakery pie.

Interception rule
After an appropriate delay the PM may send the clue to opposing teams. The delay should be long enough to give the first team a head start but still allow the opposing team the chance to hijack their opponents Plushy. It is HIGHLY advised that colored circles and marks are used if the interception rule is going to be employed. Without this system it becomes almost impossible for a PM to keep track of which plushies are in play and which teams have an active clue.

Teams are reminded that they must remain one cohesive group and Plushys must be shared between members of the team. The PM should remain mobile during the course of the game usually drifting towards areas the plushies are hidden. If a team becomes stuck or cannot find a plushy it is the PM’s responsibility to help them out and keep the game fun. Advised strategies include standing near hidden plushy locations. Sending additional clues to stuck teams or paying a game of ‘hotter-colder’ to aid a team in finding a plushy.

The teams hunt down their next plushy collects its code and send it to the pm and the sequence begins again.

Finishing the game.
Game play ends when either all Plushies have been collected by participating teams.
Or the Time period expires. The PM is responsible for informing all teams of the conclusion of the game where by all teams converge upon a location to count up Plushies. Meeting should be time stamped to aid in coordination.

Game Expired. Converge on Clock tower for count 15:00.

It should be noted that the final scoring of the game is determined by ACTUAL delivery of Plushies. Not by entry’s of Plushies into the log. In the event of three or more teams drawing the collection of Plushies. For example 3 + 4 + 4 = 11. The team who collected the most Plushies fastest wins. The PM Refers to the Log to determine who collected their Plushies first.

Bonuses & variants

Cameraphone PMSC
: Camera phone variant involves instead of the collection of Plushies themselves the Collection of photographs of Plushies from toyshops and other locations within the range. Photos may be directly sent to the PM for confirmation or ‘collection’ to proceed to the next clue. Alternatively Stickers holding alpha numeric codes may be covertly secreted at the location of the Plushy necessitating both the photographing of the described plushy and then the search for the sticker holding the code. In both cases Evidence of Photographs is required to score points and win the game.

Bonus points: The PM SMS’s ‘Bonus Tasks’ To the Teams that can only be accomplished at the location provided. These may include retrieving a paper cup from a coffee shop. Taking a photograph of your Plushies location. Or picking a leaf off a certain tree. Completion of these tasks award points that are tallied to determine winner at the end of the game.

Static hunt: Competitor teams hunt for the plushies as normal but do not remove the plushys from their locations. Instead they collect and SMS the alpha numeric codes and compete in parallel or sequence with other teams to complete the field of plushies in the shortest period of time. This game is best suited to a large number of teams as the setup required for the game is not multiplied by the number of teams playing. However the PM may require multiple assistants to deal with the SMS traffic flow and managing the logs.

Word and Seek

Team: Francis & The Fab Five

Game overview
The words are hidden go seek them.
You’re given the first letter; your goal is to find a word starting with that letter. From the word you found, use the last letter as the beginning of another word. Record the street number where you found the word.

Repeat until time is up or you find a word that starts with the last letter of the first word.

When calculating score, only teams that finished on time or finished with the last word can multiply.

Aims of the game
Find a word ending with the same letter as the first word ends with.

Number of players

Any reasonable small group

Physical location

The game should be playable either at RMIT or in the nearby city environs.

Special paraphernalia
Video recording equipment
Writing material

Goal/s of the game
Have Fun!
Accumulate the most amounts of points to win

How players will achieve these goals

You are given the first letter.

Find a word beginning with that letter.

Take the last letter of that word and find another word beginning with that letter.

When you find a word note or count down its current (or closest to) street number.

Once you have completed the goal add the unit numbers together and multiply by the amount of letters in total you found.

The group or person with the highest amount in the end wins

Navigate through the urban environment seeking out texts.

Words found must not be tampered with by the players, but found around street.

Players must not use Mel-way or any form of street directory.

The game should be played either at RMIT or in the nearby city environs.

Video will be the proof of the word you found as well as the street number.


If this was too confusing for you are not as clever as Francis & The Fab Five so heres an example. Only players who finished the game on time or finished with a last word can multiply the score

How to play
Given a random letter from A to Z = L (Word to find must begin with L)

Word found @ Swanston St. No. 3 = Lord has 4 letters

Next word to find must begin with D

Word found @ Collins St. No. 2 = Dog has 3 letters

Next word to find must begin with G

Word found @ Lonsdale St. No. 1 = GOD has 3 letters

Goal is completed, as the last letter “D” of last word “GOD” is the same as the last letter “d” of the first word “Lord”!

Points = (3 + 2 + 1) x (4 + 3 + 3) = 60 ← Not a good score!

The multiply by the number of letters in total part is to keep players wanting to find more words instead of finding simple words on high end numbered streets.

Duck Hunt

Team: sparklemotion
FLICKR : Duck Hunt Photos
WIKIPEDIA: Sparklemotion Wiki

This game is essentially a race where groups of two to three persons make up a team.
They go out and recreate a photo based on the images they are given along with allocated objects; a rubber duck and goose items.
Teams then return with new images.
The idea of the game is to have fun by being the most creative, and fastest team.
The team with the most points wins the game.
Blue tooth is involved in transferring information.
Duck duck goose is incorporated by the ducks heavy use as a symbol within the game and goose because persons have to be willing to be a bit of a goose to play the game.
The glove features as a common item in the goose items category.


• 1 point each goose item a civilian wears in place of a team member
• 1 point per minute back early
• 1 point per minute deduction for back late
• 1 point per goose item incorporated in image
• 1 point deducted if location isn’t detectable
• 1 point deducted for duck being in the wrong place

Players are encouraged to be creative that’s where the fun is…

• Teams are given 6 or more random images from 3 major locations
• Goose items are shared evenly between teams
• Teams are given a rubber duck
• Teams are to create a new image using the photos we gave them as a starting point incorporating the duck in its original position; otherwise teams are free to be as creative as they like with the image they make no restrictions on perspective composition or how the goose items are worn.
• Objective is to be the biggest Goose by making the funniest and most creative image possible
• Teams have a maximum of 45mins to complete 6 images
• The game has a game master that will allocate items, receive final images and add up points tally to give a winner.
• Teams to text or blue tooth there images to game adjudicator to be uploaded to flickr
• The team with most points by the end wins and gets to keep their duck!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Dice of Chaos

Team: Misc.

Game Overview & Rules:

The game master controls the mobile phone which is used to roll a dice two times to decide where and how many times you move your YoYo. This process repeats until one person or a team has scored 100 points. A player gains points for moving their YoYo over a coloured square where they are awarded 10 points for a black square or 25 points for a red square.

If a player reaches the other side of the board, they will flip around.

If a player goes into another players square they get double score (red – 50, black – 20)

Game includes: Mobile, Tabletop, Yoyo

Tabletop: 9x9 Grid marked with 10-point markers and 25-point markers on some squares
Black – 10 points Red – 25 Points

Players: 5 Players (game master is 1 player). This game can also be played in teams of 2v2
Object Used to play: YoYo
Location played: Anywhere you have a table and a board with 9x9 squares.
Requirements to play: 4 YoYo’s, mobile phone with dice roller, 9x9 board
Objective: Reach 100 points first
Prize: Yoyo Biscuit or Wagon Wheel

Dice Rolls:
1 – Forward
2 – Backward
3 – Left
4 – Right
5 – Diagonal Top Left
6 – Diagonal Top Right

Dice Roll 2:

This dice roll will simulate how many moves your “YoYo” moves forward a turn, eg. Max move forward is 6

Alice in Capital-land

Team: Gotcha!

Game Overview

Nine shops in Melbourne Central contain balloons with a number on it. Teams will be given a diary and a camera. They must use both the camera and the diary collaboratively by reading one of the eight clues in the diary and search through photos in the camera to find the ones that match that clue. Then they must use those photos to find a place within Melbourne Central which contains a balloon. Each Balloon has a number written on it. The team must then record all the numbers they obtain. The team must solve all 9 clues and have all eight numbers. After having 8 numbers plus the two numbers provided the team must call the phone number they have found.

Ok. Here’s the story. I was shopping around Melbourne Central today with my 7 year old niece, Alice. While shopping, I bumped into this gorgeous girl (giant breasts and all!) and with the help of Alice I managed to score her phone number. Now, me being an idiot, I let Alice hold on to the number for me… she thought it would be cute to write it down on the balloons I gave her… the problem is that she decided later on to hand out these balloons to random people in Melbourne Central. Please help me, it’s been 2 months since I’ve gotten laid! Luckily for me Alice is a pretty pedantic little girl, I know she wrote in her diary every place she put a balloon, I also know that she took 3 pictures of every location… she’s a bit weird that way.

Please find me the number… you got an hour.

Oh one last thing… I have no idea in what order Alice gave her balloons away, your going to have to piece that one together yourself.

Godspeed and good luck.
Bob D. Espret.

No. of players: 5+ players in one team

Location: Melbourne Central between Latrobe and Lonsdale.

Goal of the game: The Goal of the game is to Collect the missing number and call it within the hour. Failure to do so will result in losing the game. The team with the best time can be crowned champion of the game.

How players will achieve these goals: Through the use of the clues within the diary as well as the hidden clues within the images taken (hidden names of shops and so on…). The players will manage to locate the balloons. Using the numbers on the balloons they will then form the phone number and call it.

Special paraphernalia
Diary – provided by the GM.
Digital Camera – Provided by the GM.
Mobile Phone – Not provided.

• players are not allowed outside of Melbourne Central (Game boundaries are between Latrobe and Lonsdale).
• players are not allowed to discuss the game with members of other teams.
• Players MUST find all the relevant numbers before calling ( no guessing allowed )
• Players are allowed to split up into smaller groups.
• Players are not allowed to duplicate any of the clue materials.
• Player will look after the Diary and the digital camera any destruction caused to either will result in severe punishment and Robyn throwing a hissy fit.